"Memory" is a short story by Stephen King that was originally published in the "summer reading" issue of Tin House magazine (#28) in July 2006. It is now confirmed to be similar to the first chapter of Duma Key. It was republished as an annex to Richard Bachman's latest novel Blaze.
Edgar Freemantle recounts the horrific accident that cost him his marriage, half of his body, and some of his mind. Stricken with aphasia, Edgar decides to commit suicide, and receives some odd advice from his therapist, Dr. Kamen. In the end, Edgar plays witness to another accident that leaves a victim too close to death, and helps to end the suffering of another.
The story was read by Stephen King during "Seven Days of Opening Nights" at Florida State University on February 26, 2006, where he became a guest speaker by filling in for Richard Russo when he was unable to attend. King explained that the story was partially inspired by his accident, and how much of the event he could and couldn't remember after he was hit by Bryan Smith's van.